Trees Sorbus berries panoramaTrees Sorbus berries panorama
Sorbus berries from Autumn & Winter

Trees for Scotland  Glendoick Garden Centre Ornamental Tree Listing Autumn 2023

Trees for Scotland. For more information See Kenneth Cox's books Garden Plants for Scotland and Fruit and Vegetables for Scotland.

New season's tree are now in stock. Autumn is the ideal time for establishing trees. 


 Click here for Fruit Trees 

Ken Cox talks fruit trees



Ornamental Trees  Spring-Autumn 2023-Spring 2024


Trees for Scotland

Glendoick only stock trees which do well in Scotland. We dont pretend that Acacia... Magnolia grandiflora, peaches and nectaries will do well... we want you to succeed with your investments. 

Maple - Acer

Japanese maples, (Acer palmatum) Huge range in stock  £19.99 to 29.99  great autumn colour


Acer dav VIPER® 'mindavi' 12L £79 2
Acer griseum 12L £79 2
Acer pla Crimson Sentry 12L £79 2
Acer pla Drummondii 12L £79 5
Acer pla Princeton Gold® 12L £79 3
Acer teg White Tigress 12L £79 3

Amelanchier aln Obelisk® 12L £75 3
Amelanchier lae Snowflakes 12L £75 2
Amelanchier lamarckii 12L £75 5


amazing bark

Trees Betula jaquemontii bark RGBE

Betula uti jacquemontii 12L £79 10
Betula uti Snow Queen 12L £79 8

Betula pendula   Silver birch 10l £39.95


Cotoneaster   berries in winter

Cercidiphyllum japonicum 12L £69 3
Cotoneaster fri Cornubia 12L £75 3
Cotoneaster Hybridus Pendulus 12L £75 5
Cotoneaster sal Repens TW 85cm 11.5L £69 4
Cotoneaster x sue Coral Beauty TW 85cm 11.5L £69 4

Crataegus laevigata (hawthorn) H5 Size 4-8m Masses of tiny white, pink or red flowers in late May. Some forms have haws (fruit) in Autumn.  Tolerant of most soils and conditions: wind, seaside, heavy soils.

Crataegus mon Stricta 12L £75 1
Crataegus x med Crimson Cloud 12L £75 5
Crataegus x med Pauls Scarlet 12L £75 5


Fagus sylvatica (beech) H5  Size 3-10m Long lived giants but can be pruned and shaped and for small gardens the Fastigiate (Dawyck) forms make narrow columns. Copper forms have purple leaves.

FAGUS SYLVATICA COPPER BEECH 7 litre 1m+ W STAND Copper Beech for specimen tree or hedging/windbreak. Deciduous. Can grow for 200-300 years and reach 50ft or more. £39.95   10
FAGUS SYLVATICA GREEN BEECH 7 litre 1m+ Beech for specimen tree or hedging/windbreak. Deciduous. Can grow for 200-300 years and reach 50ft or more. £39.95   10

 Laburnum ana Yellow Rocket 12L £89 5


Malus Aros® 12L £79 7
Malus Cardinal 12L £79 3
Malus Evereste 12L £79 3
Malus Gorgeous 12L £79 6
Malus Harry Baker 12L £79 5
Malus John Downie 12L £79 5
Malus Prairie Fire® 12L £79 2
Malus Red Obelisk® 12L £79 3
Malus Royal Beauty 12L £79 2
Malus Scarlett® 12L £79 2
Malus x moe Profusion Improved 12L £79 2
Malus x rob Red Sentinel 12L £79 2

Metasequoia glyptostroboides 12L £79 2
Parrotia persica 12L £79 2

Quince (Cydonia) Serbian Gold Quince Eline® Bush 12L £57 2
Salix alb Tristis 12L £75 4
Salix caprea Pendula TW 120cm 12L £75 3
Sorbus aria Lutescens 12L £75 3
Sorbus cashmiriana 12L £75 3
Sorbus Glendoick® White Baby 12L £75 3
Sorbus hup Pink Pagoda 12L £75 5
Sorbus hupehensis 12L £75 5
Sorbus Joseph Rock 12L £75 2
Sorbus splendens 12L £75 2
Sorbus vilmorinii 12L £75 5
Tilia cor Winter Orange 12L £79 3
Tilia hen Arnolds Select 12L £79 2

Malus (Crab Apple)

Trees Malus Harry baker

H5 7-10m. Both ornamental and edible varieties (for making Jelly). Fine medium-sized trees with attractive flowers in early summer and fruit in autumn.


Prunus (Flowering Cherry)

H4-H5 4-6m or more. Bursts of spectacular colour in spring. Best in well-drained but not dry soil. P. serrula has fine bark.

Prunus Accolade 12L £75 3
Prunus Amanogawa 12L £75 3
Prunus Blushing Bride (Shogetsu) 12L £75 3
Prunus Chocolate Ice (Matusmae fuki) 12L £75 3
Prunus Kanzan 12L £75 6
Prunus Kiku-shidare-zakura 12L £75 8
Prunus Royal Burgundy 12L £75 6
Prunus serrula 12L £75 5
Prunus Shirotae 12L £75 5
Prunus Snow Showers 12L £75 6
Prunus Snow Showers TW 120cm 12L £79 10
Prunus Tai-haku 12L £75 3
Prunus The Bride 12L £75 3
Prunus Weeping Yoshino 12L £75 3
Prunus x sub Autumnalis 12L £75 3
Prunus x yedoensis 12L £75 2

Ornamental Pear

Pyrus cal Chanticleer 12L £75 2
Pyrus sal Pendula 12L £75 5

Quercus robur 1   OAK

Willows - Salix

Useful for damp, heavy, clay soils. Some can get very large and best not sited near walls and houses as the roots can interfere with foundations and drains.

Salix alb Tristis 12L £75 4
Salix caprea Pendula TW 120cm 12L £75 3


  • H5 5-10m. Excellent small garden trees. Berries in many colours last for weeks or months in autumn-winter. Some have fine autumn colour and most are tolerant of wind. Some of the best are: S. acuparia (our native Rowan) 4-6m+, red berries, ‘Joseph Rock’ 4-7m, yellow berries. 

     Trees Sorbus berries panorama

    Quince (Cydonia) Serbian Gold Quince Eline® Bush 12L £57 2
    Salix alb Tristis 12L £75 4
    Salix caprea Pendula TW 120cm 12L £75 3
    Sorbus aria Lutescens 12L £75 3
    Sorbus cashmiriana 12L £75 3
    Sorbus Glendoick® White Baby 12L £75 3
    Sorbus hup Pink Pagoda 12L £75 5
    Sorbus hupehensis 12L £75 5
    Sorbus Joseph Rock 12L £75 2
    Sorbus splendens 12L £75 2
    Sorbus vilmorinii 12L £75 5

    LIME  (Tilia)

For spectcular leaves, colour, very tough deciduous trees.

Tilia cor Winter Orange 12L £79 3
Tilia hen Arnolds Select 12L £79 2

  • ELM Golden, Dutch Elm Desise resistent.

  • Ulmus Sapporo Gold 5Ltr £39.99

    UK Native Trees Glendoick Grown.

  • For Wildlife, hedgerow and informal screening of neighbours. Can be coppiced or made into a hedge. £39.95 Each

    Special offer any 10 trees for £250

    BETULA pendula (silver birch) 2m W GLEN Silver birch. Scottish native tree. Elegant silver bark and gracefully weeping branches. The silver bark develops contrasting dark fissures and cracks with age. Great for wildlife. 20
    HORNBEAM Carpinus betulus 1.5m W STAND Common hornbeam. A deciduous, broadleaf tree with pale grey bark with vertical markings. Long lived and can reach a height of 30m and live for more than 300 years. Keeps some leaves all year round, providing shelter, roosting, nesting and foraging for birds and small mammals. Food for caterpillar of moth species. Finches and tits and small mammals eat the seeds in autumn. 11
    ALDER ALNUS glutinosa 1.5m W STAND Alder. Great tree for soggy and boggy ground. Can reach 5-20m. Bark is dark and fissured and is often covered in lichen. Twigs have a light brown, spotted stem which turns red towards the top. Young twigs are sticky to touch. Small brown cones, which are the female catkins and stay on the tree all year round. 10
    HAZEL CORYLUS avellana 1m W STAND Hazels are handsome trees; with large rugose leaves which colour yellow in Autumn. Often coppiced (cut back regularly). Catkins in spring like lambs tails. Late-summer nuts are favoutires of squirrels and dormice; woodpeckers; nuthatches; tits; wood pigeons; jays. 10
    TILIA CORDATA (Lime) 1.5m W STAND Large tree to 20m. Tends to produce growth down the trunk as it ages. Excellent for wildlife, H5 very hardy and long lived. British Native tree. 11
    ACER CAMPESTRE (Field Maple) 2m W STAND Field Maple (10 years 3-4m, Ultimately 8m+ x 4m) often used in rural hedges, with lobed leaves with yellow autumn colour, tolerant of waterlogged sites. Very tough. Long lived, up to 300 years. Use for hedgrows. Attractive to ladybird, hoverfly and birds, moths. Flowers provide nectar and pollen sources for bees and birds. Small mammals eat the fruits. 10

    FAGUS SYLVATICA COPPER BEECH 4 litre 1m+ W STAND Copper Beech for specimen tree or hedging/windbreak. Deciduous. Can grow for 200-300 years and reach 50ft or more. 10
    FAGUS SYLVATICA GREEN BEECH 4 litre 1m+ Beech for specimen tree or hedging/windbreak. Deciduous. Can grow for 200-300 years and reach 50ft or more. 10
    MALUS SYLVESTRIS (Native Crab apple) 1.2-1.5m W STAND Wild Crab Apple Small, rounded tree, 3m in 10 years, can grow to 5-6m. Clusters of pink-tinged white flowers in late spring, yellow-green, red-flushed fruits in Autumn. A symbol of fertility, associated with love and marriage. Fruits can be made into jelly. Great for wildlife and hederow barriers. Any soil. Wind resistant. NATIVE TREE 15

From Glendoick's 100 best plants for Scotland Leaflet. Available from Glendoick Garden Centre.

Ornamental Trees: 

  • Trees are an investment and they can last for generations.  They are mostly sold as 3-4 year old trees 2-3m in size. These have fully formed trunks and should be suitable for most gardens. Most trees need staking when young and careful soil preparation and watering in dry weather till they are established.
  • For small gardens choose trees such as those listed below with interest for months of the year: coloured leaves, flowers, berries or bark.
  • Height range given is approximate size after 10-20 years.



What's so good about trees?  

1. Trees clean the air & provide oxygen

Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people.

2. Trees help prevent water pollution & erosion

Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall. Trees act like a sponge that filters this water. On hillsides or stream slopes, trees slow runoff and hold soil in place.

3. Fruit Trees can provide food for people and animals

An apple tree can yield up to 100s fruit per year and can be planted in the tiniest garden urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife.

4. Trees provide a canopy and habitat for wildlife

Sycamore and oak are among the many urban species that provide excellent urban homes for birds, bees, possums and squirrels.

5. Trees block things like ugly buildings and neighbours

Trees can mask concrete walls or parking lots, and unsightly views. They muffle sound from nearby streets and freeways, and create an eye-soothing canopy of green. Trees absorb dust and wind and reduce glare.

6. Trees increase property values

The beauty of a well-planted property and its surrounding street and neighborhood can raise property values by as much as 15 percent.

7. Trees make you feel good! Everyone Loves Trees

Trees and woodland have been shown to add to welbeing and to calm people in the face of life's stresses.

8. Trees can be planted to mark any occasion.

Births, Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries, Retirement

Trees Prunus Tai Haku (1)


When To Plant Trees. (c Frank Matthews)

Container trees can be planted at any time of the year, but establish best when planted during the autumn.

Here are a few reasons why we recommend autumn planting.

•In autumn, trees have stopped putting their energy into producing leaves, flowers, and fruit so they can concentrate on developing better roots
•Soil temperature and moisture levels are usually just right for promoting root growth which helps the tree to establish
•Autumn planting lessens transplant shock which allows the tree to settle into its new home more readily
•Trees planted in autumn will have developed a good root system by the time they start growing again in spring
•There is less need to water trees planted in autumn as there is more natural rainfall and the ground is usually consistently moist
•As well as stronger growth in spring, trees planted in autumn will need less watering the following summer as they will have a more established root system
•There are fewer potential pest and disease problems to deal with in autumn and winter

Tree planting is also recommended in February, March and April. If you plant from May to August you will neeed to water the tree regularly and not allow it to dry out at any time.


Fruit Trees and Bushes

Fruit Trees and Bushes


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