Blue garden Blue and White Garden landscapeBlue garden Blue and White Garden landscape

Kenneth Cox writes: ‘The White Garden is a classic gardening style, ‘invented’ here in Scotland at Crathes Castle, made famous by Vita Sackville West at Sissinghurst.‘

THis year we add blue to the mix. Blue and White gardening is for any size of garden and can even be done in pots or containers.  

You'll find a full range of plants for any size of Blue or White Garden

Blue and White Garden at Glendoick

Blue & White Garden

Blue from Meconopsis, Lavender, Lithodora, Campanula, Clematis, Ceanothus...

White Garden: classic style, timeless...

All season long, you’ll find a range of plants in our White Garden including rhododendrons, azaleas, shrubs, perennials and bulbs. You can create a white garden on any scale from a small raised bed of alpines to acres of mass planting. The list below is just a small selection of available plants.

Some gardeners use purple foliage plants as a backdrop or foil to the plantings. Cotinus ‘Royal Purple’, Sambucus, Physocarpus etc. Vita Sackville West liked to use grey foliage to set off the white: Artemesia, Stachys etc.

White Garden, Crathes Castle, Scotland

White Garden Trees

  • Acers with white variegated leaves.
  • Amelanchier (Spring white fls) H5
  • Flowering cherries (white spring blossom) H4-5
  • Malus & Apples (crab apples) H5
  • Sorbus (white berries in Autumn) H5 


White Garden Larger Shrubs

  • Buddleja davidii white forms, scented fls, late summer H5.
  • Deciduous Azaleas
  • Euonymus japonicus Kathy white edged leaves. H4
  • Eucryphia ‘Rostrevor’ white flowers in late summer, 3-5m H4.
  • Hydrangea arborescens  stunning white in summer. H5
  • Hydrangea paniculata  late summer, white turning pink/reddish H5
  • Lavatera ‘Barnsley Baby’ & ‘Mary Hope’long flowering 2m. H4
  • Magnolia stellata (star Magnolia) H4
  • Osmanthus delavayi  white scented, in April, evergreen. H4.
  • Philadelphus scented white fls in summer, H4-5
  • Pittosporum ‘Irene Paterson’ (white leaves) H3
  • Rhododendrons  (many choices)  H4-5
  • Rose (many choices) H4-5.
  • Spiraea arguta and others. Very tough Spring-Summer. H5
  • Viburnum  mariesii & others.  White in late Spring H5


White Garden Small compact shrubs

  • Lavender ‘Arctic Snow’ H3-4
  • Evergreen azaleas: ‘Glendoick Glacier’, ‘Panda’, ‘Glendoick Snowflakes’ H4-5
  • Convolvulus cneorum  Spring white, compact, H3
  • Choisya ternata & ‘Aztec Pearl’  evergreen, Fls spring.  H3-4
  • Cistus x hybridus, & obtusifolius ‘Thrive’  H3-4
  • Dwarf rhododendrons: ‘Lucy Lou’, ‘Ptarmigan’, Dora Amateis, etc
  • Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ H5
  • Potentilla white forms H5 


White Garden Perennials

  • Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' sneezewort H4-5
  • Agapanthus white forms, summer flowering  H3-4
  • Anemone (Japanese) August- Sept flowering.  H4-5.
  • Aster (white forms) late summer daisies H5.
  • Astilbe (white forms) fluffy white fls mid summer. Likes moist soils. H5
  • Campanula white forms: tiny alpines to larger border plants. H4-5.
  • Centranthus (Valerian) White form. June-July, white flowers H3-4
  • Cerastium  spreading alpine, grey foliage. H4-5
  • Echinaea purpurea Alba white cone flower. Summer daisies, H4-5
  • Foxglove purpurea Albiflora (Digitalis) H5
  • Geranium (hardy) spreading, tough and easy H5
  • Grasses with white variegation or white flowers (Miscanthus) H4-5.
  • Gypsophila  frothy white fls in summer. H4.
  • Hellebourus  white forms. Early white, very tough H5.
  • Hostas  with white variegated leaves. H5
  • Iberis  long flowering, low, easy. H4-5
  • Leucanthemum × superbum 'Snowcap' shasta daisy, summer, white H4-5.
  • Penstemon (white forms) late summer. H3-4
  • Phlox (white forms) late summer, scented. H4-5.
  • Primula japonica ‘Possford White’ June candelabras, likes moist soil. H5.


Bulbs & Bedding

  • Alyssum  white bedding
  • Snowdrops (Galanthus) bulbs available Aug-Sept
  • Dahlias (white forms)
  • Daffodils: Pheasant Eye, Ice Follies etc Bulbs Aug-Sept

Kenneth Cox writes: ‘The White Garden is a classic gardening style, ‘invented’ here in Scotland at Crathes Castle, made famous by Vita Sackville West at Sissinghurst.‘

THis year we add blue to the mix. Blue and White gardening is for any size of garden and can even be done in pots or containers.  

You'll find a full range of plants for any size of Blue or White Garden at Glendoick.

Blue Garden Plant Listing


Aconitum (Monkshood),


Anemone, (Windflower),
Campanula (Canterbury Bells),


Echinops, (Globe thistle),

Eryngium, (Sea Holly),

Gentiana, (gentian)

Meconopsis (Blue Poppy),

Myosotis,  (Forget-me-not),

Iris sibirica,

Muscari (Grape Hyacinth),






Ceanothus   for borders and walls



Solanum (climber)


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