Evergreen azalea Glendoick Rosebud

Evergreen Azaleas

Evergreen Azaleas.  The Glendoick Collection

Azaleas marked are the Glendoick azalea series bred over the last 30 years. They flower May-June. Glendoick®™ is a registered trade mark: varieties which include the name ‘Glendoick’ may not be commercially propagated or marketed without permission. 

CANZONETTA Hose-in-hose, brightest pink, early May. Good foliage, very compact.

CHIPMUNK Bright pink, June. Slow-growing compact spreader.

ELSIE LEE Double lilac-lavender, May. Upright but fairly tidy, with pale foliage.

FOSTER’S CHOICE NEW Deep pink with a white centre, very striking. May.

GEISHA ORANGE Salmon-orange,early May. Very compact, the most popular of this colour.

GIRARD'S HOTSHOT VARIEGATED H4 Bright red, early May. Leaves with white variegation, the best variegated azalea for Scotland. 

GLENDOICK® DREAM [GLE005]Double, ruffled purplish-red. Compact. A new colour break for azaleas hardy in Scotland.

GLENDOICK® GARNET  [GLE008] Intense crimson. Pretty tough. Tidy upright habit.

GLENDOICK® GLACIER [GLE009] Double white in May-June, everyone's favourite. A best seller. Compact habit.

GLENDOICK® GOBLIN [GLE010] Carmine-red. Neat habit with good foliage. May.

GLENDOICK® ROSEBUD (2000/9E) [GLE022] Early double pink Good habit, vigorous.

GLENDOICK® SNOWFLAKES [GLE001] Pure white, free flowering, a little taller than 'Panda'. Compact, with the best winter leaf retention of a hardy white for Scotland. 

KERMESINA ROSE Two-toned rose pink with a white edge. Small leaves. May-June.

KONIGSTEIN NEW rich purple. Good Habit. The best of this colour and size. May.

LEMUR Deep pink in late May. Shiny leaves with attractive red buds. Low-growing.

LINDA STEWART H4 Hose-in-hose white with pink edging. Neat habit, promising. May.

MAISCHNEE (Maysnow) Large-flowered white in May. Compact.

MARUSHKA Carmine red, long-lasting. The finest dark reddish winter foliage. Compact.

NAKAHARAI 'MT. SEVEN STAR' Brightest red, July. Forming tight little mounds with small dark leaves. Very slow-growing.

OPOSSUM Deep reddish-purple, May. Compact, spreading habit. Very fine. 

PANDA Masses of pure white fls. Hardy and reliable in north. Probably the best selling white azalea in the U.K. May.

PINE MARTIN (2000/9B)Large-flowered single pink, Fairly compact. A show-stopper.

RACOON Bright red in late June, compact and spreading. The latest ‘mammal’.

RED DEER (2004 19C)  NEW Red Panda x Marushka H4  Really fine red flowers. Excellent dark winter foliage. May

RED FOX  NEW Spreading with fine red flowers, like a red version of ‘Wombat’, in late May-June.

SQUIRREL Masses of bright scarlet fls in June. Neat habit and good foliage.

WALLABY NEW Huge purple-pink flowers on a compact spreader, May.

WOMBAT Bright pink in late May-June. A carpeting ground cover, good in the north.

Evergreen/Japanese Azaleas & how to grow them

  • Compact evergreen or semi evergreen. Most are low-growing, tolerant of full exposure, are most of the newer ones are relatively evergreen.
  • Size 20cm to 1m.
  • Flowers purple, red, near orange, pink to white.
  • The Glendoick collection are those most suited to the North of Britain including Scotland. Many evergreen azaleas are totally unsuited to Scotland as it is not hot enough in summer to ripen wood, resulting in subsequent winter damage.
  • The dwarf species R. kiusianum and R. nakaharae (from Taiwan) have been crossed with larger-flowered but less hardy varieties to create selections satisfactory for Scotland, Scandinavia, Germany & other similar climates where summer sun strength is not reliable.
  • The most important hybridisers are Peter & Kenneth Cox (Scotland), & H. Hachmann (Germany).  
  • Evergreen azaleas are subject to azalea gall and petal blight. 

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