Locally Grown Christmas Trees are now in stock
5-6ft (red) £37.95
6ft + £44.95 (white)
7ft+ 60-80 (Blue/White) £49.95
Glendoick Christmas Tree Care Guide
The 4 steps to a successful real Christmas Tree
Glendoick's Christmas Trees are grown on the slopes of Craig Owl just behind Dundee and are delivered fresh to the Garden Centre during the first week in December. We are extremely proud to offer you these beautiful Scottish grown Nordmann Fir trees and can promise you unrivalled value and quality.
Our expert staff are on hand to guide you through choosing the perfect tree for your home - they'll advise you on what height you will need and how to care for it.
The Nordmann Fir has a lower needle drop and we've provided you with some handy tips for caring for your tree in order that you and your family can enjoy the fresh, everygreen scent from the day it goes up to the day it comes down.
Don't forget to visit the Christmas Shop for an amazing range of decorations, lighting and tree stands & skirts.