This beautiful new book from Kenneth Cox is his latest must-read guide for gardeners who enjoy working with nature in all her glory. As well hundreds of full colour photographs documenting the best woodland gardens across the globe, you will also hear best practice ideas from the world’s best woodland gardeners.

  • History of Woodland Gardening, plant hunters, hybridisers
  • Inspirational woodland gardens from around the world from Scotland to Tasmania, Inverewe to Longwood Gardens, the Bremen Rhododendron Park to Pukeiti and Emu Valley
  • Design and features of woodland gardens: borrowed landscape, water, bridges, colour planning, year round interest, scent, Autumn colour
  • Climate, planting & maintenance including restoration of overgrown woodland gardens
  • Woodland Gardening: challenges and disorders: climate change, cold, pests, disease
  • Woodland Garden plants: inspirational planting ideas, combinations and the best rhododendrons, magnolias, camellias, hydrangeas and woodland perennials and bulbs

Full colour book published April 2018. Second Printing Jan 2019 3rd Printing 2021 Please note that this book weighs over 2kg so is quite expensive to post. It costs the same to post 1 copy as 4 copies, so if possible try to club together to order multiple copies. 

Winner: European Gardening Book of the Year 2019


Read Sample Pages

Pages Layout

About Kenneth Cox

Kenneth Cox is a 3rd generation nurseryman and author of numerous books on rhododendrons, has carved out his particular niche in the world of plant-hunting in leading 9 expeditions to South and South-East Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh, India, 1995-to the present.

He is managing director of the family firm Glendoick Gardens, Scotland which specialises in Rhododendrons, Azaleas & Ericaceous plants,


'For those of us who appreciate visits to woodland gardens, this large-format book will become our bible.....the high quality photographs... transport you round the world, looking at remarkable gardens....'  Jim Gardiner, RHS Garden, June 2018

'This magnificent book is a distillation of 40 years of Kenneth Cox's experience of woodland gardens and gardening.....  Written with firm convictions and good humour, spiced with literary quotations... Comprehensive and totally original, this is an eminently readable book by a man who is utterly immersed in his subject.  I think it will be recognised as being one of the definitive works on a gardening genre, much as Robinson's The English Flower Garden and Farrer's The English Rock Garden were and should inform a generation or two of woodland gardeners and tree planters.'

Dr John Grimshaw IDS Yearbook 2019

'Kenneth Cox’s latest tome Woodland Gardening is a significant Scottish horticultural publication which brings the art of woodland gardening to life.

Cox’s book provides an invaluable insight into the cultivation and management of woodland gardens for landowners, for those looking to invest in land, and for gardening enthusiasts alike.

His exposition on woodland gardening is commendably comprehensive, with information ranging from its characteristics to the complex art of how to design a woodland garden, including how to choose a site, the climate and soil, the size and timescale, and the challenges you are likely to face.

In the end, much like the care required for a woodland garden, the book reveals a labour of love that explores the past, present and future of these charming gardens.' 4 STARS

Scottish Field  June 2018

Ken Cox Woodland Gardening Lectures

Kenneth Cox presents a stunning new lecture on woodland gardens of the world, history, plant hunting, botanical gardens, from Japan to New Zealand to North America and Europe and of course the great gardens of Sussex, Cornwall and Scotland. COVID meant the cancellation of many of these talks and some were delivered online.

2022 Lectures

American Rhododendron Society, conference Oregon May 2022

Past Lectures


27th April 2019 Woodland Gardening   Exbury Gardens, New Forest

Sweden Lecture Tour May 2019. Swedish Rhododendron Society

23rd May Stockholm, Sweden
24th May Göteborg, Sweden. 
25th May Lund 13.00h 

Sunday 9th June   Braemar

10th July Orkney Garden Festival Garden Plants for Scotland, Fruit and Vegetables for Scotland.

Thurs 12th September Castle Howard Arboretum Woodland Gardening


28th March 2020 Holehird, Cumbria. Lakeland Hort Society, at 2pm Woodland Gardening.

April 28-29 Heronswood Gardens, USA  Woodland Gardening Workshop

Apr. 30-May 3, 2020 ARS 75th Anniversary Convention, Portland, Oregon.

20th October, Glasnevin, Dublin Woodland Gardening. (AGS, IPS)



Nova Scotia

The woodland gardening lecture can be offered as:

A one hour lecture on woodland gardening with stunning visuals from all over the world. Suited for general and garden audiences.

A two parter: 2 x 45 mins   Part 1 history of woodland gardening. Part 2 How to make a woodland garden and Ken's choice of the world's best woodland gardens. More suited to a specialist gardening and horticultural audience.


2019 Lectures done

Winter Words, Pitlochry

Colinton Garden Club

Cornwall Garden Society

2018 Lectures (done)

Sat 8th September 2018 Woodland Gardening  Kells Bay, Kerry

22nd-23rd September 2018  Woodland Gardening, Plant Hunters Seminar, Mount Stewart, N Ireland.  (Bob Flowerdew also on the bill.)

October 2nd 2018 Woodland Gardening, The Caley Lecture Series, RBGE Edinburgh 7.30pm.

6th October 2018  Woodland Gardening  Perth, Scottish Rhododendron Society 

Sat 20th October Blair House, Ayrshire   Woodland Gardening

10.30 for 11am. £10.  Visitors are welcome to walk round the gardens (opening under SGS for  ‘Festival of Trees’. To book please contact .

26-27th October 2018  Rosemoor, Devon, RCMG Group Woodland Gardening & rhododendron species identification.

10th  November 2018 2.30 p.m. Malone Presbyterian Church Hall,  Belfast  Woodland Gardening

26th November 2018 Kew Mutual Improvement Society (KMIS), Kew Gardens, London  Woodland Gardening

28th November 2018 2pm Ramster, Chiddingfold RCMG Woodland Gardening

Andy Fly  01903 742350

Mon 3rd December, Logie Steading, Forres  Woodland Gardening

Kenneth Cox: Woodland Gardening.
2018. Glendoick Publishing,

394 S., in engl. Sprache, 560 Farb- und 15 SW-Abbildungen, ISBN 978-1-5272-1787-4; 40 ₤ oder ca. 50 € Zweifellos ein Buch von Gewicht: 2,1 kg schwer und mit fast 400 Seiten und 575 Abbildungen nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch visuell ein Schwergewicht. Kenneth Cox ist überraschenderweise der erste, der ein Buch zu diesem speziellen Stil der Gartengestaltung veröffentlicht. Entstanden ist der »woodland garden« im 18. Jh. in England. Ihn kennzeichnen drei Pflanzenebenen (Baum-, Strauch- und Staudenschicht) und meist frische, saure Böden. Rhododendron, Magnolien, Kamelien und säureliebende Pflanzen
– so auch der Untertitel des Buches – spielen entsprechend im »woodland garden« eine herausragende Rolle und werden daher auch ausgiebig gewürdigt bzw. bebildert. Nach einer Definition von »woodland gardening« schlägt der Autor in fünf großen Abschnitten den weiten Bogen von der Geschichte dieser Gartenform über das Design eines »woodland gardens«, den praktischen Aspekten wie Boden, Klima, Unterhaltung und Krankheiten, den geeigneten Pflanzen bis hin zu »The Greatest Woodland Gardens«. Das Buch ist damit vieles in einem. Es ist eine Art Reiseführer zu den schönsten Beispielgärten
in Europa (neben vielen Anlagen aus England, Wales, Irland und Schottland wird erfreulicherweise auch der Rhododendron- Park Bremen lobend erwähnt),
Nordamerika, Australien, Neuseeland und Japan, aber auch ein Geschichtsbuch, in dem von Pflanzenjägern, Züchtern und Gartenschöpfern erzählt wird.

»Woodland Gardening« ist ein Ratgeber für das Gärtnern mit den genannten pflanzlichen Hauptakteuren und zugleich Inspiration für den eigenen Garten. Vorschlagslisten für geeignete Magnolien-, Rhododendron- und Kamelien-Arten und -Sorten sind ebenso enthalten w Lieblingsthemen des Autors, die Kombination von Blütenfarben.  Gerade wegen der vielen Bilder, aber auch angesichts der kompetent geschriebenen, detailreichen Aufarbeitung des
Themas und der zahlreichen wertvollen Ratschläge ist das Buch absolut lesenswert. Und, es macht definitiv Lust auf eine Weltreise! Zu bestellen ist »Woodland Gardening« ausschließlich direkt bei der Baumschule
Glendoick . Unter finden sich alle weiteren Informationen. Die Investition lohnt sich!
Hartwig Schepker, Bremen


Woodland Garden Bodnant (23)
Woodland Gardening
Woodland Garden Bodnant-hut-across-lake-croppedy (NT)

Glendoick Garden Centre Directions Logo