The major part of the book is a rhododendron and azalea encyclopedia, a complete survey of the Genus Rhododendron, including:

  • All cultivated hardy species
  • Rhododendron hybrids, the most important commercial hybrids
  • Azaleas: deciduous & evergreen
  • Vireya (tender/tropical) rhododendron species and hybrids

Listings include extensive assessment of performance of varieties for different countries and climactic conditions.

Over 1200 pictures: 200 illustrating cultivation practice, propagation and gardening design ideas, and well as over 1000 plant portraits.

Introductory Chapters cover

  • The history of rhododendrons, collecting, naming and breeding.
  • Cultivation of rhododendrons and azaleas.
  • Rhododendrons in the landscape.
  • Maintenance and husbandry.
  • Pests, diseases, problems and disorders.
  • Propagation.
  • Buying and collecting rhododendrons.

Crowood Press, published November 2005  

Price £29.95 plus p&p.


I'm sure my copy will soon become soiled and dog-eared. I would rate this book as an essential reference, a very worthwhile addition to the bookcase. If one's rhododendron library is limited to two books, pick Greer's Guide to Available Rhododendrons and Cox's Rhododendrons & Azaleas A Colour Guide.
Norman Todd, Victorian Rhododendron Society Newsletter

'Without question, this is one of the best, most complete books detailing the growth and species of the rhododendron family. Every type of azalea and rhododendron you can think of is in this book. It's loaded with color photographs. This book is a must have for rhododendron or azalea growers. It also contains very useful information about cultivation.'
Snow Hill, NC, United States

'If you are a rhododendron lover then buy this book. Kenneth Cox's expertise shines through his detailed and authorative book.The book answers all the frequently asked questions about rhododendron cultivation, propagation and maintenance... It is a truly international book! Cox constantly demonstates a knowledge of new hybrids across world markets and records the idiosyncracies of their breeders; he details international hardiness ratings, he recognises that the seasons vary from hemisphere to hemisphere and gives proven performances codes for where ever you live in the world. As an Australian, who is used to having to find appropriate information hidden in a foot note, this is very welcome. Although his writing is technical, it is peppered with asides which give you the impression he is speaking to you frankly, lightening the tedium of Latinised botanical terms. Cox also gives you his ten best hybrids and his ten worst together with the ten best of everything else on a great list page. Pictures from his own garden and nursery at Glendoick in Scotland predominate and as a result you need to supplement his text with the excellent photo indexes available of the Americian Rhododendron Society to see illustrations of flowers not common in his climate. Most reference books I use I get a few hours worth of help. After over 30 hours worth of use I am still going strong with this book and it will be many years before my expertise is sufficient to put it away on a shelf'. 
Carmel Miland, Sydney, Australia

'This is a very good guide to rhododendrons and azaleas. The detail is excellent and the range of varieties covered is more than anyone could ever consider growing, no matter what size their garden, or dedication! There is a very detailed section on growing and maintaining these plants, with good detail on soil types and for those who don't have the right kind of soil, what to do to improve it. There are also lists to the best plants for various categories, by colour and hardiness among others. Having learned the hard way what not to do, its very reassuring to find this level of detailed knowledge, I could have saved myself some losses. Would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in growing rhododendrons and azaleas.' 
D Geraghty, UK

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